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Monday, December 13, 2010

I have a blog?

Funny story... I legitimately forgot I had created this thing since I last posted. So it's about midnight now, I'm sitting here in my bedroom at my dad's house using my crappy 6 year old laptop because it can run a crappy old sprite MMO game that my desktop can't for some reason, and I begin looking through my favorites tab for IE. Down wayyyyy at the bottom is this thing and voila! Here I am with another pointless couple of paragraphs.

So not much has changed since we last talked Internet people, other than now I am an official college graduate with a bachelor's degree... Living at home... Because I don't have any moneys... *Sigh* We work with what we got, right? I still haven't got a clue as to what I'm going to do, though I'm leaning more and more towards grad school, based purely on how much I missed my relaxed college life schedule of 99% video games and procrastination, and 1% work and studying. But for now, it's working my boring ass part time job and paying off bills that have built up already, such as my DUI I got over the summer! Lesson from that one kiddos? Don't drink and drive, for reals... It's really an expensive and tedious process to go through, not to mention LOOOONG, plus you know, you can hurt people and stuff. What's going on right now though?


Seriously, I cannot wait. I've been drooling over this movie ever since I first saw the teaser clips and a preview of it when I saw Inception in the IMAX. Looks stinkin cool! And I am a true Tron fan. While I was not born when the classic Tron was originally released, I none the less grew up watching it waaayyy too much, along with *cough* Surf Ninjas cough*. Seriously, look up Surf Ninjas, it'll make you crack up that it was really released as a movie. Any who, back to Tron. Is it weird that I take my pre-ordered ticket out out of my wallet every couple of minutes and look at it lovingly? Nah, of course not. Serious take Tron: Legacy? It's going to be epic. I mean, Jeff Bridges is starring it, after the first Tron was just a B movie back in the '80s before he was well known. Second, it's been in production of four years AND Pixar ok'ed the story for the script-writers. Third, and one of my favorites, Daft Punk in all their already-awesomeness, scored the soundtrack, while providing several songs of their own as well. Side note, Olivia Wilde looks ridiculously hot.

Let's see, what else is going on... Oh, I've been playing Call of Duty: Black Ops until my eyes bleed! Sadly though, I've been having to play it on my 360 rather than my PC, as I don't have the money to upgrade its internals, and won't have the money for awhile either. :( Other than that, and the occasional session of Uncharted 2 on my PS3, it's all been work and sleep lately. Alas, I miss my college schedule, especially the parts where I could dedicated 4-5 hours a day easy to video-gaming, Internet surfing, movie and TV show watching... I feel lucky these days to get in a solid hour of gaming, much less actually sitting down and watching a full movie. Especially when all my Netflix movies lately have been Akira Kurosawa flicks. As epic as they are, and as much as I love them (Especially Throne of Blood, Ikiru, and Kagemusha), they are all REALLY long movies. Up next after my Kurosawa binge is Humphrey Bogart though, especially his stuff with Lauren Bacall (By far one of the hottest women that Hollywood has ever produced).

Alas kiddos, it's that time again. That time when I've lost my original train of thought that I had when I started writing this thing, that time when I teeter on whether to delete or post it, that time when my focus transitions to how tired I am rather than on my incessant blabbing. So in Tron fashion, I will say goodbye for now, perhaps I'll see you again in another couple of months? Goodnight users and programs!