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Monday, July 26, 2010


I know, I know. I'm getting into the blogging game a little late. Most likely because I've been a self-professed "hata" of the blogging game so long. I mean, who out there on the interwebs cares to read about the self-delusions transribed onto a web page of another person? Then I realized something the other day: Blogging really isn't done for others to read (Though I'm sure plenty of people blog specifically for that reason), rather it's done for the self-satisfaction of that person. A place to put their thoughts into coherent form, a place to vent frustrations of the day, a place to muse about the inner-workings of the universe around them, meanwhile having the deep, down satisfation of knowing that people out there on the internet would be able to read it. Deep right?

Well give me a break. You're reading the blabbings of a person who has never owned nor written in a diary before, much less even thought about making use of a journal/diary before, so all this "writing down your feelings" crap is relatively new to me. I mean, it's not like I've "boycotted" blogging entirely until now, I've always read other peoples before. Sometimes I've read some really interesting things, i.e. intellectual/philosphical statements down to reviews of products on the market, but I've also read some really pointless blogs out there as well, blogs where tweens write down how they felt about the latest videos on Youtube. I'm not going to lie, since this is my first blog, and an introduction of myself to the blogging world, this is going to remain a pretty mundane and boring blabbering of thoughts as I try and figure out what exactly the point of my writings will be. Perhaps I'll do product reviews, such as books I read or movies I see? We'll see.

Moving on... It's now 10pm on a Monday night, relatively early for me seeing as how I've made it a habit to stay up until 2am to 4am every night, for reasons unbeknownst to me. I'm writing this thing instead of writing my last research paper of my undergraduate paper that I SHOULD be doing, as well as putting off the studying for my final on Thursday. I've been getting a kind of queasy feeling in the put of my stomach lately everytime that I think about how this is my last week of college. (Yea I know it's July and normal people graduate in May, but I was three classes short of graduating with a double major, okay?) I guess I'm starting to anticipate the joys of being a grown up, even though being a "grown up" for the next few years for me means living with my dad because I'm going to be financially incapable of living on my own. Fun, right? Not that I don't mind living at home, I have no problems with my family, asides from the occasional argument. It's just that I'm seeming to have a hard time comprehending that after this week, my schooling career is over permanently, not just for a few months while I go on summer break.

Sounds corny, but these worries have been invading my thoughts for about a month now. Probably doesn't help that I'm living in a dorm room by myself with little to no social contact for the last three months with the exception of my classes. I've had wayyy too much time this summer to think. And yes, that can be a bad thing sometimes, especially when you're on the verge of ending your educational career and moving into the professional world as I am. I still honestly have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm not sure if I want to jump straight away into a job, work part-time at my current job for awhile and save up a bit of money, or look into graduate school.

Anywho, I think that's enough ramblings for one night. I'm getting kind of bored with this now, and I can tell I need to stop when I start getting the urge to delete it instead of posting it. My trance music is beatin' in the background, and I have a research paper callin' for my name. Remember kiddo's, the name of the game is "procrastination". :D

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